Our ‘Online Interview Station’ project was recognized by Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Our 'Online Interview Station' project achieved another important success by winning the bronze award in the "Most Innovative Deployment of HR Technology" category at the Stevie Awards, one of the most prestigious international business awards competitions.
We launched our 'Online Interview Station' project in line with our fully digital recruitment vision by reviewing and redesigning our processes to capture the evolving needs and the opportunities offered by technology. Our project, which is the first online interview station in Turkey, helped us migrate all our human resources processes to the digital environment, starting with the candidate experience.
“Our fully digital recruitment project is deployed across all 81 provinces of Turkey.”
Commenting on the award, Ömer Faruk Tüfekçi, Chief Human Resources and Administrative Officer of AssisTT, said: We consider our Online Interview Station project as a great leap forward taken in line with our fully digital recruitment vision and we are proud to see that it is appreciated by highly prestigious international organizations. We had completed the digital transformation of all our human resources processes before the pandemic. This investment has shielded our processes from disruption since the COVID-19 outbreak. And we have been able to maintain an uninterrupted recruitment operation necessitated by the pandemic-induced increase in business volume. It was also during this process when we commissioned the first online interview station in Turkey. We are enabled to complete our recruitment process in the digital environment as we interview our candidates from 81 provinces of Turkey, without the need for face-to-face interaction. We carry out all our recruitment processes such as surveys, tests, personality inventories, and video interviews via online channels, complete the orientation processes by training our new team members through the same channels, and provide the opportunity to work from home.”
Pointing out that the Online Interview Station project, utilizing end-to-end digital tools, enabled us to focus on the strategy aspect of recruitment rather than its operational aspects, Ömer Faruk Tüfekçi also emphasized that the application yielded an efficiency of up to 50 percent in the operational costs of recruitment.
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